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Thursday, July 30, 2009

About Me

The concerns that you have regarding workplace violence and conflict are real and troublesome. The latest data indicates that bad behavior in the workplace is increasing exponentially.

My name is Yacine Bell, and I am a certified anger and stress management specialist and the director of the Anger Management Institute (AMI). Since 2005, AMI has maintained a 99% success rate of client-changed behavior, with no regression.

The Anger Management Institute uses a scientifically designed evidence-based program to conduct pre- and post client evaluation. This assessment tool allows me to get to the core of existing issues rapidly, eliminate the negative behavior and facilitate changed behavior in approximately 10 weeks.

I see a client one hour a week with little to no interruption of their work schedule. By the third or fourth week, the behavior begins to shift. The remaining weeks are spent learning new tools and grounding the new behavior.

The results of my service have proven invaluable in the workplace in terms of improved workplace environment, elimination of negative behavior, reduction and/or management of stress levels. I have also been instrumental working with employers, and their successful resolution in liability issues and workman’s compensation issues. The ROI in working with the Anger Management Institute are proven and documented.

If you see the value to your organization in eliminating bad behavior and changing the workplace environment then please give me a call.

I can provide value to your organization by eliminating bad behavior and changing the workplace environment. Please call: 510.393.0250 for more information.

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