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Sunday, November 29, 2015

5 Comebacks For Dealing With Rude People

I read this article written by Higher Perspective and thought it might be useful during this Season of Giving. Stress is high, money is short and time is premium. That is a combination of temperamental behavior and stress. I expect there will be plenty of bad behavior out here in the world through to the New Year.  Use one of these tools should you have an encounter with rudeness. Good luck and no Decking in the Halls!

Rude people suck, but there's no way to get around it: you're going to run into one now and then. These are 5 great ways to deal with rude people.

1. Tell them you appreciate their perspective.

When someone is being rude to you, they don't expect graciousness or any kind of positive emotions to come at them. If anything, it'll disarm them and make them realize you appreciate different viewpoints, including theirs.

2. Thank them.

Put on a smile and say "thank you." It's a subtle way to acknowledge their rudeness and opt-out of engaging them on it. It shows you're in control of your emotions.

3. Tell them they're right.

Just because someone is rude doesn't make what they have to say incorrect. If someone rudely points something out, tell them they're right. It almost always gives them pause. They expect you to argue, not concede.

4. End the conversation.

There's nothing wrong with saying a conversation with a rude person is over. You're in charge of who you talk to about what. If you're being disrespected, walk away.

5. Laugh.

 Because what's funnier than laughing in the face of a rude person?

Tools for navigating the environment at large.

Anger Management Institute, specializing in impulse control, anger and stress management an emotional intelligence-based practice.

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