Are You Too Busy? How Can You Tell?
Although it may not always seem so, how we fill and spend our time is our choice. Answer the following questions to discover if you're caught up in the "too-busy" cycle.
True | False | |
1. I constantly find myself doing "urgent" things and trying to catch up. | |
2. I allow myself to drift into obligations before I know how much time or energy they'll require. | |
3. I find myself running from when I get up in the morning until I go to bed at night. I'm always tired and never feel that I accomplished enough. | |
4. I seldom schedule a day off for myself and when I do, I tend to fill it with activities. | |
5. I don't make time for self-care: physical exercise, nurturing or pampering myself, cultural stimulation, spiritual well-being, learning something new, playing or simply doing nothing. | |
6. I seldom have time to do the things I really love. My work and project areas are cluttered with "I'll look at this later" stacks and "to-do" piles. | |
7. I often miscalculate how long activities will take. | |
8. I often miss deadlines or work long hours to meet a deadline. | |
9. I respond to interruptions such as phone calls, text messages and email, and allow them to take me off track. | |
10. I try to keep things in my head rather than making lists. If I do make a daily "to-do" list, it's impossible to complete in a day. | |
11. I tend to move from one urgent thing to the next, rather than working toward specific goals and objectives. | |
12. I find myself constantly wishing I had more time or projecting an imaginary future when I have more time, making comments such as "as soon as..." or "next year..." | |
13. I spend time running errands and rushing because I didn't plan well enough. | |
14. I spend time doing things I could pay someone else to do. | |
15. I often do things because I "should," or continue to do things that no longer fit who I am. | |
16. Other people complain that my schedule doesn't allow enough time for them. |
If you answered "true" to many of these questions and would like to explore ways to slow down your life, please don't hesitate to call: 510.393.0250
Ahh rump-pa-pomp-pomp......
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