This is a re-post from one of the blogs that the Anger Management Guru, George Anderson posted on October 26, 2012. The Anderson model which is the model that I use at the Anger Management Institute, in Oakland, California This model is the most successful and effective model for anger management worldwide. See below who we train as providers of anger management as well as who we service.
Some Examples of organizational support for Emotional Intelligence Coaching for anger management:
- The California Board of Corrections has approved Evidenced Based Anger Management for all California Prisons.
- The California Superior Court has approved Certified Anger Management Facilitators for mandated court referrals.
- The Veterans Administration has approved Anger Management Facilitator Certification training for Clinical Social Workers employed by the VA nationwide.
- The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health Care Organizations has approved Emotional Intelligence for “disruptive physicians”.
- The Illinois State Supreme Court has approved Civility Training for Illinois attorneys as a condition of licensing.
- is now advising applicants to voluntarily undergo an Emotional Intelligence Assessment prior to applying for jobs in which emotional intelligence skills such as sales, leadership or customer services.
In summary, coaching for impulse control/anger management is increasing in its’ recognition by major employers nationwide.