
Way.ca.tion: A rest for the mind; an unconventional method of escaping the moment and returning refreshed and better than before.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Breaking News In Emotional Intelligence for Anger Management.

This is a re-post from one of the blogs that the Anger Management Guru, George Anderson posted on October 26, 2012.  The Anderson model which is the model that I use at the Anger Management Institute,  in Oakland, California  This model is the most successful and effective model for anger management worldwide.  See below who we train as providers of anger management as well as who we service.

Health Care Organizations, Fortune 500 Companies, the Veterans Administration, U.S. Marine Corp, Air Fore, U.S. Coast Guard as well as the Criminal Justice System have all played a major role is promoting mandatory Emotional Intelligence for impulse control.

Some Examples of organizational support for Emotional Intelligence Coaching for anger management:

  • The California Board of Corrections has approved Evidenced Based Anger Management for all California Prisons.
  • The California Superior Court has approved Certified Anger Management Facilitators for mandated court referrals.
  • The Veterans Administration has approved Anger Management Facilitator Certification training for Clinical Social Workers employed by the VA nationwide.
  • The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health Care Organizations has approved Emotional Intelligence for “disruptive physicians”.
  • The Illinois State Supreme Court has approved Civility Training for Illinois attorneys as a condition of licensing.
  • Monster.com is now advising applicants to voluntarily undergo an Emotional Intelligence Assessment prior to applying for jobs in which emotional intelligence skills such as sales, leadership or customer services.

In summary, coaching for impulse control/anger management is increasing in its’ recognition by major employers nationwide.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

American Association Of Anger Management Providers

The AAAMP is the official voice of anger management worldwide. If you are interested in emotional intelligence, communication, stress management, anger management, psychotherapy or conflict resolution.

Emotional Intelligence Coaching for impulse control is one of the fastest growing interventions currently available in Human Resources, Social Services and Well-Being services for executives, middle managers and line staff in the nation.

The American Association of Anger Management Providers advocates well-being services including civility for attorneys and coaching for disruptive physicians as well as employees at all levels.

For more information about anger or stress management services or Emotional Intelligence Coaching pleas contact the Anger Management Institute, LLC, 510.393.0250

Yacine Bell
President Of The American Association of Anger Management Providers
Official Website:http://aaamp1.wordpress.com

Monday, October 1, 2012

Keep An Anger Log

When we look at a situation that make us angry, it is common to blame the situation and other people for our anger.  We tend to think that what someone else did is the cause of our anger and inappropriate responses. Contrary to this belief other people or situations are NOT what makes us act inappropriately.  What really makes us angry is our is thinking angrily about the things that happen to us.  Whatever we think or tell ourselves about an event makes us angry.  NOT THE EVENT.

One tool I use with some clients is to keep an anger log.  Whenever you are aware of feeling angry is when you should write in your log.  You can write in your Anger Log immediately after the episode occurs or at the end of the day when you have had more time to reflect. 

One purpose of keeping an Anger Log is that you will begin to be more aware of the triggering thoughts and consequences of your anger. 

Don't get a pretty book to use as an Anger Log just get a composition or inexpensive notebook.  Really nice journals often make us think that we should be smart or write flowing sentences that are grammatically correct.  This Anger Log is for you alone.  Just write.

Keep your log simple and follow these steps each time:

Situation: Describe the situation about which you have become angry.

1. Beliefs - What did you tell yourself about a situation.
2  Feelings - Describe how you felt
3. Actions - Describe what you did.
4. Dispute - If your thinking is what caused the anger, modify your thought process. In other words what is another prospective to stand in around the event. 

Got Anger?  Call the Anger Management Institute, LLC @ 510.393.0250